The Stockman Bar in White Sulphur Springs (ambience) 2
Date: 2016-06-12
Time: 6:04PM
Creator: Jeff Rice
Notes: General ambience at The Stockman Bar, a place often visited by the author Ivan Doig when he was a child and mentioned in Doig's book This House of Sky; this ambience includes music from a jukebox and the buzzing sound of neon lights and ice machines near the bar
Location: White Sulphur Springs (Mont.); Meagher County (Mont.); Montana
Recording Equipment: iphone 6 with internal microphone
Duration: 00:01:32
Audio Rights: Audio file copyright Jeff Rice and Montana State University; Use of this audio file is allowed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License;