Your search for Common "Black-throated Sparrow" resulted in 4 records.

Title: Birds at sunrise at Rio Mesa
Date: 2011-04-24
Creator: Rice, Jeff
Description: Ambient recording of a dawn chorus in southern Utah.
Duration: 00:29:00
Click here to get more information on Birds at sunrise at Rio Mesa

Title: Birds at sunrise at Rio Mesa (0002135)
Date: 2011-04-24
Creator: Rice, Jeff
Description: Ambient recording of a dawn chorus in southern Utah.
Duration: 00:04:30
Click here to get more information on Birds at sunrise at Rio Mesa (0002135)

Title: Black-throated sparrow (0002147)
Date: 2011-04-24
Creator: Rice, Jeff
Description: Vocalizations of a Black-throated Sparrow.
Duration: 00:02:22
Click here to get more information on Black-throated sparrow (0002147)

Title: Black-throated Sparrow
Date: unknown
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio recording of bird sounds
Duration: 00:00:15
Click here to get more information on Black-throated Sparrow