White-tailed Prairie Dog and birdsong
Common Name: White-tailed Prairie Dog; Western Meadowlark; Killdeer; Sandhill Crane; Black-billed Magpie; Red-winged Blackbird
Scientific Name: Cynomys leucurus; Sturnella neglecta; Charadrius vociferus; Grus canadensis; Pica hudsonia; Agelaius phoeniceus
Date: 2010-04-14
Time: 10:00AM
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Notes: Mostly alarm calls at presence of ranch staff. At a colony.
Location: Deseret Ranch (Rich County, Utah); Rich County (Utah); Utah
Recording Equipment: Sony PCM D1, Sony PCM D1 Built-in XY Stereo
Duration: 00:59:50
Audio Rights: Audio copyright Kevin Colver. All rights reserved
Image Rights: Photographer: Patricia Holroyd, http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/photographer_query?where-name_full=Patricia+Holroyd&one=T Provider: CalPhotos, http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/