Common Yellowthroat, American Bittern, and Barn Swallow
Common Name: Common Yellowthroat; American Bittern; Barn Swallow
Scientific Name: Geothlypis trichas; Botaurus lentiginosus; Hirundo rustica
Date: 2008-05-20
Time: 05:00AM
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Notes: bullrushes
Location: Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah); Juab County (Utah); Utah
Recording Equipment: Sony PCM D1, Sony PCM D1 Built-in XY Stereo
Duration: 00:59:47
Acknowledgments: Recorded with support from the University of Utah Western Soundscape Archive
Audio Rights: Audio copyright Kevin Colver. All rights reserved
Image Rights: Photographer: Stephen Rosenthal Provider: California wildlife photos,