Goshen Canyon (Utah) birdsong
Common Name: Red-winged Blackbird; Western Meadowlark; Mourning dove; Bullock's Oriole; Yellow Warbler; Willow Flycatcher; Bank Swallow; Macgillivray's Warbler; Sora; Song Sparrow; Ring-necked Pheasant; Brown-headed cowbird
Scientific Name: Agelaius phoeniceus; Sturnella neglecta; Zenaida macroura; Icterus bullockii; Setophaga petechia; Empidonax traillii; Riparia riparia; Oporornis tolmiei; Porzana carolina; Melospiza melodia; Phasianus colchicus; Molothrus ater
Date: 2008-05-31
Time: 06:30AM
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Notes: small creek with a few bullrushes traffic and aircraft in distance
Location: Goshen Canyon (Utah); Utah County (Utah); Utah
Recording Equipment: Sound Devices 722, Senn. 30/40 MS combo
Duration: 00:56:51
Acknowledgments: Recorded with support from the University of Utah Western Soundscape Archive
Audio Rights: Audio copyright Kevin Colver. All rights reserved
Image Rights: Photographer: Dave Govoni, http://www.flickr.com/photos/8769311@N02 Provider: Flickr: EOL Images, http://www.flickr.com/groups/encyclopedia_of_life