Interview with Jesse Barber on the subject of noise impacts on great gray owls
Common Name: Great Gray Owl
Scientific Name: Strix nebulosa
Date: 2007-08-15
Time: unknown
Creator: Rice, Jeff
Description: An interview with Jesse Barber on the subject of noise impacts on great grey owls
Notes: Jesse Barber describes great grey owl hearing and some research into the effects of anthropogenic noise on great grey owls. Recorded at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Location: Salt Lake City (Utah); Salt Lake County (Utah); Utah
Recording Equipment: Electro Voice RE50 microphone (mono) to Sony DAT walkman recorder
Duration: 00:05:13
Audio Rights: Audio file copyright Jeff Rice
Image Rights: Photographer: Bas Kers, Provider: Flickr: EOL Images,