Green toads at Martin tank (ambisonic)
Common Name: Green Toad
Scientific Name: Anaxyrus debilis
Date: 2016-08-15
Creator: Jeff Rice
Description: Toads call at an irrigation pond
Notes: Recorded at Martin Tank; temperature at 9:00 PM was 79 degrees Fahrenheit, wind 1-2 miles per hour, humidity 42%; elevation 4772 feet; sampling rate was 96 kHz/24 bits; green toads started calling at approximately 8:30 PM. This was a 4-channel ambisonic (FuMa).
Location: White Sands Missile Range (New Mexico); Socorro County (New Mexico)
Recording Equipment: Soundfield ST450 ambisonic microphone to a Sound Devices 744 recorder; FuMa
Duration: 00:07:13
Acknowledgments: Patricia Cutler; Bill Godbey; Doug Burkett
Audio Rights: Audio file copyright Jeff Rice and Montana State University; All rights reserved.
Image Rights: Provider: iNaturalist