Canyonlands National Park ambience
Date: 2006-02-04
Time: unknown
Creator: Ambrose, Skip
Description: Field Recording
Notes: Recorded at Maze District, in Horseshoe Canyon; This recording represents a 24-hour period at a location in Canyonlands National Park. The recording is taken from a 24-hour acoustical survey conducted by the National Park Service, which has identified Canyonlands as one of the quietest locations in the park system. The acoustical survey used a sample scheme, recording for ten seconds every two minutes for the entire day. The ten-second recordings are spliced together into this single audio file.
Location: Canyonlands National Park (Utah); Utah
Recording Equipment: Unknown
Duration: 02:00:07
Acknowledgments: Western Soundscape Archive
Audio Rights: Audio file courtesy of the National Park Service.
Image Rights: CC BY 2.0 flickr @ wolfgangstaudt