Sage thrashers call along Umptatum road (ambisonic)
Common Name: Sage Thrasher
Scientific Name: Oreoscoptes montanus (Townsend, JK, 1837)
Date: 2017-04-09
Time: 7:41AM
Creator: Jeff Rice
Description: Birds call at mid-morning
Notes: Sage thrashers dominate the soundscape along Umptanum Road in Kittitas County. A 4-channel ambisonic (FuMa) recording.
Location: Kittitas County (Wash.); Washington (State)
Recording Equipment: Soundfield ST450 ambisonic microphone to a Sound Devices 744 recorder; FuMa
Duration: 00:05:01
Audio Rights: Audio file copyright Jeff Rice and Montana State University; All rights reserved.
Image Rights: Photographer: Scott Bowers Provider: PlanetScott