Your search for Common "Coyote" resulted in 83 records.

Title: Coyotes near Tucson
Date: 2010-03-14
Creator: Rice, Jeff
Description: Coyote vocalizations
Duration: 00:01:30
Click here to get more information on Coyotes near Tucson

Title: Coyotes (distant)
Date: 2009-09-24
Creator: Rice, Jeff
Description: The calls of distant coyotes in northern Utah.
Duration: 00:02:00
Click here to get more information on Coyotes (distant)

Title: Dawn chorus, coyotes and birds in the Hayden Valley, Yellowstone National Park (extended)
Date: 2009-05-29
Creator: Rice, Jeff
Description: Ambient recording
Duration: 00:07:50
Click here to get more information on Dawn chorus, coyotes and birds in the Hayden Valley, Yellowstone National Park (extended)

Title: Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) birdsong and coyote
Date: 2009-04-10
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:59:23
Click here to get more information on Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) birdsong and coyote

Title: Bullfrog and Coyote
Date: 2008-05-19
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:59:23
Click here to get more information on Bullfrog and Coyote

Title: Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) waterfowl and coyotes
Date: 2008-03-27
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:59:27
Click here to get more information on Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) waterfowl and coyotes

Title: Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) waterfowl and coyotes
Date: 2008-03-27
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:59:27
Click here to get more information on Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) waterfowl and coyotes

Title: Northern Leopard Frog and Coyote
Date: 2008-03-26
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:59:24
Click here to get more information on Northern Leopard Frog and Coyote

Title: Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) waterfowl, coyote and birdsong
Date: 2008-03-25
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:57:11
Click here to get more information on Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) waterfowl, coyote and birdsong

Title: Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) waterfowl, coyote and birdsong (0001423)
Date: 2008-03-25
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:54:52
Click here to get more information on Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah) waterfowl, coyote and birdsong (0001423)

Title: Coyotes, urban setting
Date: 2008-02-21
Creator: Rice, Jeff
Description: The calls of an urban coyote and dogs
Duration: 00:03:15
Click here to get more information on Coyotes, urban setting

Title: Coyotes, Yellowstone National Park, June 2007
Date: 2007-06-08
Creator: National Park Service
Duration: 00:00:40
Click here to get more information on Coyotes, Yellowstone National Park, June 2007

Title: Coyote howl at Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
Date: 2007-04-27
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
Duration: 00:01:05
Click here to get more information on Coyote howl at Ouray National Wildlife Refuge

Title: Coyote (0001729)
Date: 2007-04-27
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:01:02
Click here to get more information on Coyote (0001729)

Title: Coyote (0001716)
Date: 2007-04-27
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio field recording
Duration: 00:01:35
Click here to get more information on Coyote (0001716)