Your search for Common "Merlin" resulted in 4 records.

Title: Bozeman 4/18/24_1
Date: 2024-04-18
Creator: Stephen Hunts
Description: Male merlin calls to female and approaches her perched on telephone pole. Observed mating at aprox one minute mark.
Duration: 00:01:49
Click here to get more information on Bozeman 4/18/24_1

Title: Bozeman 7/11/23_1
Date: 2023-07-11
Creator: Stephen Hunts
Description: Two fledged Merlin chicks calling. Female returns to nest with bird, calls and feeding commences.
Duration: 00:00:44
Click here to get more information on Bozeman 7/11/23_1

Title: Bozeman 6/16/23_1
Date: 2023-06-16
Creator: Stephen Hunts
Description: Merlin, Black-billed Magpie
Duration: 00:01:04
Click here to get more information on Bozeman 6/16/23_1

Title: Merlin male
Date: unknown
Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
Description: Audio recording of bird sounds
Duration: 00:00:19
Click here to get more information on Merlin male