Your search for Common "Pacific Treefrog" resulted in 21 records.
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- Title: Pacific chorus frogs (ambisonic)
- Date: 2021-03-23
- Creator: Jeff Rice
- Description: Frogs call in a small suburban pond
- Duration: 00:02:41
- Click here to get more information on Pacific chorus frogs (ambisonic)

- Title: Pacific chorus frogs in Issaquah, Washington (170313)
- Date: 2017-03-13
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: The sound of Pacific chorus frogs
- Duration: 00:02:17
- Click here to get more information on Pacific chorus frogs in Issaquah, Washington (170313)

- Title: Pacific Treefrog ribbit
- Date: 2012-03-08
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio recording of a Pacific Chorus Frog
- Duration: 00:00:01
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrog ribbit

- Title: Pacific Treefrog (0001437)
- Date: 2011-05-13
- Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
- Description: Audio field recording
- Duration: 00:53:13
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrog (0001437)

- Title: North Pacific Tree Frog
- Date: 2011-05-11
- Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
- Description:
- Duration: 0:14:17
- Click here to get more information on North Pacific Tree Frog

- Title: North Pacific Tree Frog
- Date: 2011-05-11
- Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
- Description:
- Duration: 0:16:32
- Click here to get more information on North Pacific Tree Frog

- Title: Pacific Treefrog, Song Sparrow, and Wilson's Snipe
- Date: 2011-05-11
- Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
- Description: Audio field recording
- Duration: 01:00:12
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrog, Song Sparrow, and Wilson's Snipe

- Title: Pacific Treefrog (0001509)
- Date: 2011-05-11
- Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
- Description: Audio field recording
- Duration: 00:35:47
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrog (0001509)

- Title: Pacific Treefrog
- Date: 2010-03-04
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:02:36
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrog

- Title: Pacific Treefrog
- Date: 2010-03-04
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:16:00
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrog

- Title: Pacific Treefrog
- Date: 2010-03-04
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:02:04
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrog

- Title: Pacific Treefrogs in Markworth State Forest Washington) (excerpt)
- Date: 2010-03-04
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Advertisement calls of the Pacific Chorus Frog
- Duration: 00:07:35
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrogs in Markworth State Forest Washington) (excerpt)

- Title: Markworth State Forest (Washington) wetland chorus at 4:30AM
- Date: 2009-05-24
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Dawn ambience at forested wetland area with birds and Pacific Treefrogs
- Duration: 00:36:56
- Click here to get more information on Markworth State Forest (Washington) wetland chorus at 4:30AM

- Title: Pacific Treefrogs in Markworth State Forest (Washington) (excerpt)
- Date: 2009-05-10
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Ambient recording of Pacific Treefrogs in the evening in western Washington
- Duration: 00:06:39
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrogs in Markworth State Forest (Washington) (excerpt)

- Title: Pacific Treefrogs in Markworth State Forest (Washington) (extended)
- Date: 2009-05-10
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Ambient recording of Pacific Treefrogs in the evening in western Washington
- Duration: 00:23:36
- Click here to get more information on Pacific Treefrogs in Markworth State Forest (Washington) (extended)
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