Your search for Scientific "Canis lupus" resulted in 24 records.
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Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Telemetry: The Value of One Wolf (Episode 5) Date: 2017-08-01Creator: Jerrett, JenniferDescription: Wolf researcher Kira Cassidy likes to say that when Rudyard Kipling wrote The Jungle Book in 1894 and included the famous line 'For the strength of th...Duration: 00:11:04Click here to get more information on Telemetry: The Value of One Wolf (Episode 5) Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Gray wolves, Yellowstone National Park Date: 2016-01-11Creator: Jerrett, JenniferDescription: Duration: 00:01:24Click here to get more information on Gray wolves, Yellowstone National Park Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Gray Wolf howling, Yellowstone National Park Date: 2016-01-11Creator: Jerrett, JenniferDescription: A single wolf howls before the noise of a passing car completely drowns it out.Duration: 00:00:24Click here to get more information on Gray Wolf howling, Yellowstone National Park Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Wolf howls (distant) Date: 2015-06-30Creator: Rice, JeffDescription: The dsitant calls of a wolf at duskDuration: 00:00:40Click here to get more information on Wolf howls (distant) Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Gray Wolves, 8-Mile Pack, Yellowstone National Park Date: 2015-02-13Creator: Jennifer JerrettDescription: The "8-Mile" pack of wolves during a group howlDuration: 00:02:36Click here to get more information on Gray Wolves, 8-Mile Pack, Yellowstone National Park Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Gray Wolves, 8-Mile Pack, Yellowstone National Park (2494) Date: 2015-02-13Creator: Jerrett, JenniferDescription: The 8-mile pack of wolves howl in the distance on a cold, spring nightDuration: 00:01:06Click here to get more information on Gray Wolves, 8-Mile Pack, Yellowstone National Park (2494) Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Gray Wolves, 8-Mile Pack, Yellowstone National Park (2495) Date: 2015-02-13Creator: Jerrett, JenniferDescription: The 8-mile pack of wolves howl in the distance on a cold, spring nightDuration: 00:02:42Click here to get more information on Gray Wolves, 8-Mile Pack, Yellowstone National Park (2495) Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Winter Wolves Date: 2014-02-11Creator: Jerrett, JenniferDescription: It's wolf mating season here at Yellowstone, which also means it's the peak howling season. Biological Technician Rick McIntyre puts this ethereal win...Duration: 00:02:12Click here to get more information on Winter Wolves Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Wolves howling, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park Date: 2014-01-21Creator: Jerrett, JenniferDescription: A pair of wolves howling in the early morning in the Lamar Valley.Duration: 00:00:35Click here to get more information on Wolves howling, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Domestic dog howl Date: 2012-05-03Creator: Colver, Kevin J. Description: Duration: 00:07:27Click here to get more information on Domestic dog howl Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Arctic wolves (captive) Date: 2011-03-26Creator: Rice, JeffDescription: Ambient recording of vocalizations of captive arctic wolves.Duration: 00:07:51 Click here to get more information on Arctic wolves (captive) Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Wolves, Yellowstone National Park, December 2007 Date: 2007-12-15Creator: National Park ServiceDescription: Duration: 00:00:14 Click here to get more information on Wolves, Yellowstone National Park, December 2007 Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Wolves, Yellowstone National Park, February 2005 Date: 2006-02-10Creator: National Park ServiceDescription: Duration: 00:00:10 Click here to get more information on Wolves, Yellowstone National Park, February 2005 Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Wolves, Grand Teton National Park Date: 2006-02-08Creator: National Park ServiceDescription: Duration: 00:00:20 Click here to get more information on Wolves, Grand Teton National Park Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Title: Wolves, Yellowstone National Park, April 2005 Date: 2005-04-26Creator: National Park ServiceDescription: Duration: 00:00:20 Click here to get more information on Wolves, Yellowstone National Park, April 2005 View next 9 results