Your search for Scientific "Lynx rufus" resulted in 10 records.

- Title: Bobcat purrs
- Date: 2010-09-28
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Purrs of a captive bobcat
- Duration: 00:00:15
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat purrs

- Title: Bobcat whines
- Date: 2010-09-28
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: High-pitched whines of a captive Bobcat
- Duration: 00:00:14
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat whines

- Title: Bobcat whines and purrs
- Date: 2010-09-28
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Purrs and whines of a captive Bobcat
- Duration: 00:00:51
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat whines and purrs

- Title: Bobcat purring
- Date: 2009-08-04
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Purring sounds of a captive Bobcat
- Duration: 00:00:35
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat purring

- Title: Bobcat greeting vocalization, captive setting
- Date: 2009-08-04
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Vocalization of a captive Bobcat
- Duration: 00:00:16
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat greeting vocalization, captive setting

- Title: Bobcat grunt
- Date: 2009-08-04
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Vocalization of a captive Bobcat
- Duration: 00:00:11
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat grunt

- Title: Bobcat grunt
- Date: 2009-08-04
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Vocalization of a captive Bobcat
- Duration: 00:00:09
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat grunt

- Title: Bobcat, Madison Junction, Yellowstone National Park
- Date: 2006-03-31
- Creator: Burson, Shan
- Description: A bobcat calls out near Madison Junction
- Duration: 00:00:10
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat, Madison Junction, Yellowstone National Park

- Title: Bobcat (probable)
- Date: unknown
- Creator: National Park Service
- Description:
- Duration: 00:00:07
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat (probable)

- Title: Bobcat (probable) (0001868)
- Date: unknown
- Creator: National Park Service
- Description:
- Duration: 00:00:08
- Click here to get more information on Bobcat (probable) (0001868)