Sheep (ambisonic)
Common Name: Domestic Sheep
Scientific Name: Ovis aeries
Date: 2016-06-14
Time: 10:38AM
Creator: Jeff Rice
Description: Sounds of a herd of sheep
Notes: Approximately 3000 sheep were herded from Martinsdale to pastures near the Bair Reservoir; skies were overcast and winds were calm. This is a 4-channel ambisonic (FuMa) recording.
Location: Meagher County (Mont.); Montana
Recording Equipment: Soundfield ST450 ambisonic microphone to a Sound Devices 744 recorder; FuMa
Duration: 00:03:45
Acknowledgments: Bair Ranch
Audio Rights: Audio file copyright Jeff Rice and Montana State University; All rights reserved.
Image Rights: Photographer: Scott Bowers Provider: PlanetScott