Telemetry: One Fish, Two Fish (Episode 2)
Common Name: Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri
Date: 2017-02-10
Time: N/A
Creator: NPS/Scott Christy
Description: Back in 1870, a member of the Washburn Expedition wrote in his diary about the Yellowstone cutthroat trout: "Two men could catch them faster than half a dozen could clean and get them ready for the frying pan." Since then things have become a lot more complicated on the Lake. For this Telemetry episode, a story of native fish conservation and what it takes to restore an ecosystem.
Location: Yellowstone Lake; Yellowstone National Park: WY
Recording Equipment: Sony M-10 Recorder, microphone unknown
Duration: 00:10:38
Acknowledgments: Shared via a collaborative project with the Yellowstone National Park Sound Library.
Audio Rights:
Image Rights: NPS