Bats return to Bracken Cave 1 (ambisonic)
Common Name: Mexican Free-tailed Bat
Scientific Name: Tadarida brasiliensis (I. Geoffroy, 1824)
Date: 2021-05-30
Time: 5:00AM
Creator: Jeff Rice
Description: Bats return to Bracken Cave
Notes: Bat wings make a buzzing/whooshing sound as bats dive into the cave. This is a 4-channel ambisonic recording. The microphone position was up and the audio was recorded in B-format (FuMa).
Location: Bracken Cave (Texas); San Antonio (Texas); Bexar County (Texas); Texas
Recording Equipment: Soundfield ST450 ambisonic microphone to a Sound Devices 744 recorder; FuMa
Duration: 00:05:13
Acknowledgments: Bat Conservation International; Fran Hutchins
Audio Rights: Audio file copyright Jeff Rice and Montana State University; All rights Reserved.
Image Rights: Provider: iNaturalist