Brood XIX cicadas 240601 1 (Ambisonic)
Common Name: Cicada
Scientific Name: Magicada spp.
Date: 2024-06-01
Time: 1:30PM
Creator: Jeff Rice
Description: Audio recording of Brood XIX periodical cicadas.
Notes: An Ambisonic recording of Brood XIX cicadas in a pioneer cemetery (Camp Creek Cemetery); distant traffic and sporadic close traffic. Occasionally, a rooster calls. Recording time was 1:30 PM. Temperature was 69 degrees F. Wind speed was 2 mph. Humidity was 80%. There was light rain on and off during the recording. Conditions were not ideal but some cicadas were calling. Calling species likely include neotredecim, tredecassini, and tredecula.
Location: Camp Creek Cemetery (Illinois); White Heath (Illinois); Piatt County (Illinois); Illinois
Recording Equipment: Sennheiser Ambeo microphone (standard upright orientation); FuMa; MixPre-6 recorder
Duration: 01:03:29
Acknowledgments: Katie Dana and John Cooley
Audio Rights: Audio file copyright Jeff Rice 2024; All rights reserved
Image Rights: Publisher: iNaturalist Creator: Paddy Kemner Provider: iNaturalist