Your search for Common "American Red Squirrel" resulted in 19 records.
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- Title: Bozeman 9/07/23_5
- Date: 2023-09-07
- Creator: Stephen Hunts
- Description: Multi-step authentication- American Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee, Gray Catbird, Wilson's Warbler, Red Squirrel.
- Duration: 00:02:09
- Click here to get more information on Bozeman 9/07/23_5

- Title: Bozeman 5/17/23_2
- Date: 2023-05-17
- Creator: Stephen Hunts
- Description: American Red Squirrel, Mallard, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Pine Siskin, European Starling.
- Duration: 00:03:52
- Click here to get more information on Bozeman 5/17/23_2

- Title: Red squirrel churr (170705)
- Date: 2017-07-05
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: The calls of a red squirrel
- Duration: 00:00:32
- Click here to get more information on Red squirrel churr (170705)

- Title: Red squirrel churr and chitter (170705)
- Date: 2017-07-05
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: The calls of a red squirrel
- Duration: 00:00:22
- Click here to get more information on Red squirrel churr and chitter (170705)

- Title: Red squirrel calls (170705)
- Date: 2017-07-05
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: The calls of a red squirrel
- Duration: 00:00:08
- Click here to get more information on Red squirrel calls (170705)

- Title: Red Squirrel
- Date: 2010-08-20
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Vocalizations of a Red Squirrel
- Duration: 00:00:19
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel

- Title: Red Squirrel (0001040)
- Date: 2010-08-18
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Vocalizations of a Red Squirrel
- Duration: 00:00:26
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel (0001040)

- Title: Red Squirrels close
- Date: 2010-08-18
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Vocalizations of a Red Squirrel
- Duration: 00:01:07
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrels close

- Title: Red Squirrel trills squeaks and chatter
- Date: 2010-07-17
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:02:25
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel trills squeaks and chatter

- Title: Red Squirrel chucks
- Date: 2010-07-15
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:00:11
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel chucks

- Title: Red Squirrel trill
- Date: 2010-07-15
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:00:07
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel trill

- Title: Red Squirrel trill and squeaks
- Date: 2010-07-15
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:00:25
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel trill and squeaks

- Title: Red Squirrel chirps
- Date: 2010-07-14
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:03:41
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel chirps

- Title: Red Squirrel chirps (extended)
- Date: 2010-07-14
- Creator: Rice, Jeff
- Description: Audio tracks of animal sounds
- Duration: 00:09:05
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel chirps (extended)

- Title: Red Squirrel and American Elk (0001474)
- Date: 2009-09-26
- Creator: Colver, Kevin J.
- Description: Audio field recording
- Duration: 00:44:13
- Click here to get more information on Red Squirrel and American Elk (0001474)
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